UK Univesity Guardianship


At Shell Education we understand that coming to University in the UK can be a daunting experience for both parents and students.

Shell Education knows how overwhelming  it can be at University, which is why we offer a support package just for International Students. 

With this package, we can help your child with safe arrival to the university and  can handle any paperwork for you, as well as provide a 24/7 Emergency Contact.

We also regularly speak to our students at University, and ask how they are getting along, and are a friendly, welcoming person to talk to.

Shell Education offers this package to not only satisfy the admissions criteria, but also as peace of mind for parents. Knowing that there is someone in the UK that is fully contactable at any time, separate to the University in case of any questions or problems that need solving for your loved ones.

Students who are under the age of 18 and wish to study in a university or college in the UK usually need an appointed educational guardian. Although 16-17 year old students may feel like adults, especially if they are applying to universities in another country, they are still classed as minors under UK law. Due to this, most UK universities and colleges require that students whose families live overseas have an appointed educational guardian living in the UK to act on their behalf during term time and university holidays.

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